Welcome  7th  Graders!


Class 1 / Week 1

Welcome to

'Jesus Our Lord & Savior'

At one time, not too long ago, Judy Hehr was a young student just like you.

Listen in on her journey of faith.

Questions to Ponder

Be ready to discuss these in class. next week.

1. What major life event started Judy on her downward spiral?

2. Have you or someone you know had a major life event in which one's faith is tested?

3. What/who did Judy turn to for her comfort?

4. Did it comfort her or was it a means of escape?

5. What do you use as your means of escape when you are overwhelmed with life?

Let's see how Judy did on "Getting God".

Questions to Ponder

Be ready to discuss these in class. next week.

1. What does Judy's journey of faith tell you about the knowledge & faith in one's head versus the knowledge and faith in one's heart?

2. What does Judy's story tell you about Jesus?

Key Words

To increase our 'head knowledge' about God, we need to speak & understand the lingo.

See how many of these 'key words' you know.

Click here.

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